We Offer Various Partnership Types To Cater To All Fans
Traditional Partnership
A Traditional Partnership offers partners ownership in a single horse. The Final Furlong team would typically acquire a yearling at the Fasig-Tipton Preferred Yearling Sale at Saratoga in August of each year. The offering price normally includes expenses for the horse’s first year (if a weanling or yearling). After the horse is of racing age, partners are billed quarterly in advance and purse winnings are distributed as received.
All horses are set up under a separate LLC and a partners ownership % in the horse is reflected through the ownership in the LLC. Partners have all rights to everything the horse does before / during and after their racing career.
Partners looking to acquire a large share in a single horse or owners looking to watch their horse grow-up on the farm and transition to the race track should consider a Traditional Partnership.
Breeding Partnerships
Final Furlong has the ability to establish “Breed to Race” and “Breed to Sell” partnerships. Anyone interested in forming a breeding partnership should contact us to setup a strategy. All mares purchased under our breeding partnership will be pointed to breeding NY foals only. Weanling purchases are also considered under this partnership type.
Pin Hooking Partnerships
Final Furlong works closely with bloodstock agents and trainers on various circuits to select yearlings at the major sales which would be a prospect for a 2yo sale. These offerings are made solely to our partners involved in our racing partnerships.
Fees & Expenses (Partners are responsible for their % of fees based on their % ownership)
Purse Earnings Can (and often do) Offset The Below Quarterly Expenses
Horses in Training
NYRA Tracks
$68,000 - $73,000 Annually $57 - $61 / month per 1% ownership (Billed Quarterly) Approximately $525 per quarter for a 3% Share
Alternate Circuit
$45,000 - $50,000 Annually $38 - $42 / month per 1% ownership (Billed Quarterly) Approximately $350 per quarter for a 3% Share
Horses in Training on Farm
$40,000 Annually $33 / mo. per 1% ownership (Billed Quarterly) Approximately $300 per quarter for a 3% Share